The traditional competitions for murgas and comparsas will take place during the second week of the festival, this time in the district of La Isleta

The eagerly anticipated Dog Carnival will be held on Sunday, which ends with the Grand Dame Gala

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 29 January 2024. Murgas and comparsas embody the essence of people’s creative expression in the Carnival of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. Murga groups sing critical songs about local news, and comparsa groups are known for their colourful dances and choreographies. Both experience their main event—the competitions—in the second week of the Carnivals of the World. This year the host of these thoroughly traditional festival groups will be the stage set up in the district of La Isleta.

Up to 20 male and female murga groups are competing in the 2024 Carnival held in the capital of Gran Canaria. Four evenings have been reserved in the programme for this competition, which will present prizes to groups from the city and the rest of the island of Gran Canaria for their performances, costumes and lyrics. The three preliminary phases to decide the eight murga finalists will be held on 29, 30 and 31 January (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) from 8.45 p.m. The groups put through to the final will compete on Saturday, 3 February from 9 p.m. in La Isleta. The performances fill the stage for hours, with each group attracting a loyal fanbase eager to watch their favourites.

The comparsa competition will take place the day before the murga final. On Friday, 2 February, at 9.30 p.m., five groups are competing for the performance and costume prizes at one of the most classic events in the Carnival programme of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. These lively groups always bring plenty of colour and rhythm to the evening stage.

The week’s competitions end with the Dog Carnival on Sunday, 4 February (12 p.m.) and the Grand Dame Gala (9 p.m.). The canine event usually attracts a small dog-crazy crowd keen to dress up their pets even if they aren’t participating. This Carnival event, which has featured in the programme for over a decade, is a great day out for dogs and family spectators alike.

The festival’s senior Gala is also a celebration with a lot of history behind it. Up to seven candidates are parading in 2024 to obtain the Grand Dame sceptre by displaying the handiwork of expert carnival designers, who often have Carnival Queen Gala experience.

The Carnival Night, another of the main events in these Carnivals of the World, will also take place in the second festival week in La Isleta. The recurring event on Friday, 2 February will bring a taste of what’s still to come.