Edition 2019
Río de Janeiro
The flight of a tropical bird brought the magic of Rio de Janeiro to the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Carnival. The silhouette of a macaw encompassed the different elements twinning the party of the “Cidade Maravilhosa” (Wonderful City) with the Gran Canaria capital. So the poster was dressed in the bird’s plumage, with different elements extolling merriment, colour and the sound of the celebration.
Roberto Burle Max
The Carnival stage paid homage to Rio de Janeiro through the use of colour and the symbols of its nature and architecture. This homage simultaneously established ties between Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and the Brazilian city.
The main festival decorations in the Gran Canaria capital drew their inspiration from subtle and recognisable icons, features avoiding clichés and which still managed to transport the Carnival merrymakers to the experience of a night in Rio.
So the “Copacabana Coast” and its mosaic-paved seaside parade, work of architect and landscaper Roberto Burle Max, was depicted at various points of the stage, and the ornamental references to another of Rio’s brilliant architects, Oscar Niemeyer, were present through abstraction.
Manolo Vieira
Manolo Vieira, a native of the Isleta area and a great Carnival fan, declared “A Night in Rio” Carnival open in Santa Ana Square.
This comedian, one of the best loved and admired comedians on the islands, gave an opening speech full of humour and feeling, in honour of the world of Carnival.
Backed up by the Chirimurga del Timple, the Gran Canaria comedian explored reminiscences of La Isleta, Carnival and its stories, and the future of this fiesta.
Carnival Queen
Erika Echuaca Sebe
Erika Echuaca Sebe, with her costume “Volar sin alas” (Fly without Wings); designed by Nauzet Afonso, representing McDonald’s, won the hearts of the jury and the thousands of people there at the act which crowned the Queen of the Carnival.
Erika also carried off the first replica of the crown in a brooch, a memento which is hers to keep beyond her year as reigning queen.
Drag Queen
DRAG CHUCHI, Pedro Bethencourt Guerra
The “Repite mi nombre” (Repeat my Name) spectacle and costume, a design by Kilian Betancor Falcón for the Fernando Pessoa Canarias University, brought him the title which rounded off the court of “A Night in Rio”. Chuchi was the first to receive the Drag sceptre designed by the craftsman Juan Lillo.
Grand Dame
Luisa Lozano
Luisa Lozano was the first to ascend her fiesta throne, on the night of Sunday, February 17.
Representing the restaurant La Flamenca de la Feria, she received her title from the hands of the mayor, Augusto Hidalgo. Luisa carried off the crown thanks to the costume created by Willy Díaz, with the title of “Stampa do Brasil” (A Scene from Brazil). As well as the title of veteran ruler, Luisa Lozano received a set of products for personal care, a gift from Kielh’s.
Junior Carnival Queen
Náyade Pérez Castro
Náyade Pérez Castro, the first girl to walk the catwalk at the children’s fiesta, took her place on the throne as the ruler for the girls and boys.
Her performance in the “Serenata para usted, cosita linda” (Serenade for You, Pretty Thing) costume, designed by Manuel Encinoso and Begoña Pérez for Amanda Bus, won hearts with her refreshing style and charm, both on the jury and among the audience which had filled the Santa Catalina Park Carnival enclosure to capacity.
The Serenquenquenes were the night’s winners with the first prize for their performance, which they picked up to the sound of an ovation from the Santa Catalina Park audience. This prize brought the total for first prizes for performances at the Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Carnival heading back to the town of Agüimes to fifteen, after winning also in 1991, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018.
Los Legañasos won first prize for costume at the fiesta, third prize for performance, and the Criticón prize awarded by the press.
Kisamba, the Comparsa performers from the Arenales quarter, took first prizes again for performance and costume, the double triumph they also achieved in 2018 and in 2017, with their spectacular staging, the display of costume and their gorgeous choreographies.
The “Neste mundo de beleza” (In this World of Beauty) show, Laura Torres’ choreography, the performance by the forty-two components of the group, and Juan Fernando Henríquez’s design, were all recognised by the various juries.
Junior Comparsa
Lianceiros Junior
Lianceiros Junior carried off the first prize for performance and costume in the junior Comparsa competition.
The “Recuérdame” (Remember Me) show, directed by choreographer Samuel Rodríguez González caught the performance jury’s favour, while José Julio Armas’s costumes, entitled “Con ritmo, sabor y mucho color, Lianceiros llegó. ¡Uy, qué chuchi!” (With Rhythm, Flavour and lots of Colour, the Lianceiros are here. Ay, how Cute!) was awarded top marks from the costume jury.
Body Painting Competition
Don't Fall into Temptation
The “No caigas en la tentación” (Don’t Fall into Temptation) design, executed on the body of model Rafael Felipe Porras by make-up artist Josep López, representing Autoescuela Botella and Ballet Rafa Felipe, received the first prize in a competition calling for artistic talent, creativity and aplomb in the performance of the choreography.
Costume Contest
And may Silence be Converted into Carnival
Cristo Manuel García Ramos, with the costume “Y que el silencio se convierta en Carnaval” (And may Silence be Converted into Carnival); by Jorge Pérez and JP Diseños, in the individual category, and the Mamachicho group, with the costume “Escola de Samba Mamachichao” (Mamachichao Samba School), in the group category, took the first prizes for the Costume Competition.
Dog Carnival
From The wildest Forest Come Milka and Eva to Enjoy The Carioca Carnival
The kingdom of “A Night in Rio” brought its pets together on the morning that a little miniature bull terrier took the winner’s podium.
The jury fell in love with the costume “Desde la selva más salvaje llegan Milka y Eva a disfrutar del Carnaval carioca” (From The wildest Forest Come Milka and Eva to Enjoy The Carioca Carnival), designed by Eva León, and recognised the originality of the idea: the first dog to win with an alternative body painting costume.