Afilarmónica Los Melindrosos
City: Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Copherfam
Foundation Year: 1995
President: José Asensio Lóez
Director: Ernesto Medina Pérez, also coordinator
Number of members: 41
The Afilarmónica, with over 20 years of history to its name, has won five first prizes for performance, three of which came in a row: 2004, 2005 and 2006.
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria Carnival
First Prize for Performance 2004, 2005 and 2006. Tomás Pérez Prize for Best Lyrics in 2006, and Criticón Prize the first year it was awarded, in 2006.
To date, it is the only Murga in the history of the contest to achieve the Tomás Pérez Prize for Best Lyrics and the Criticón Prize awarded by the press in the same year (2006).